European Union Intellectual Property Office EUIPO
Delivering improved service to companies and citizens for registration and protection of trademarks and designs
Business challenge
Increase quality of core business areas and accelerate the change towards a user-driven, engaged and adaptable organization in accordance with its strategic plan; main focus areas include delivering high-quality products and services for trademarks and users, and activities such as supporting European cooperation projects, enforcement support activities and studies related to intellectual property (IP) infringement.
Since 2011, Unisys has provided program and project management, architecture design and technical consultancy for 50+ IT projects to increase the number of online registrations, modernize the EUIPO website, build a robust data center, secure applications and simplify and modernize search applications for trademarks and designs; the Unisys team consists of 150+ consultants from 23 different nationalities.
Results and benefits
- Gained the help needed to harmonize the registration process throughout Europe
- Improved cooperation between EUIPO and other IP Institutions (i.e., WIPO, USPTO) by collaborating to define a common architecture and jointly participate in onsite missions in the Asia Pacific region
- Achieved a modernized IT landscape through assistance in defining and designing architectures for cutting-edge and secure technological environments