Reducing air emissions
Unisys continues to invest in making an impact across the globe to support clean air programs through implementation practices that reduce the need to travel to the office or other locations for our associates, utilizing more energy-efficient equipment, and reducing emissions in our green fleet vehicles creating sustainable transportation.
Travel Reduction Program
Expanded use of Internet-based training and online collaboration tools reduces employee travel, consequently reducing vehicle-generated air emissions. Many associates are offered the opportunity to establish at-home offices, adding flexibility to commuting schedules or reducing the need for daily work-related travel altogether. Unisys has adopted a hybrid work model, which provides the benefit of reducing carbon emissions associated with commuting.
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Management
Although Unisys has greatly reduced its use of ozone-depleting substances (ODS), Unisys does maintain a modest inventory of equipment that utilizes ODS chemicals and tracks ODS usage. Whenever practical, ODS equipment is retrofitted to use non-ODS chemicals or is replaced. In addition to a safer environment, upgraded or new equipment is also more energy efficient.
Green Fleet Vehicles
Implemented measures to reduce emissions associated with fleet vehicles operated in India, lowering the impact on the environment.